Monday, September 12, 2011

Brown Bag Challenge: Week 3 Day 1

We’re teaming up with fellow food bloggers to host a Brown-Bag Challenge, a month-long initiative to eat consciously and save money by packing a lunch each weekday instead of eating out. Join us here and share what you're eating on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #brownbag.

So Joe and I are almost half way through our month long brown bag challenge and so far it has been pretty enjoyable, but we're starting to see our lunches start to repeat! (I guess they couldn't not repeat forever...)

For lunch today, I had the corn and steak chili again with some cut up nectarines, a fage yogurt and carrots with hummus! I've been throwing together a lot of soup/stews for lunch because they're fast and I can not think about them while they cook, but I need new ideas! Help! What's a girl who loves hot food but has no time to cook to do?

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