Monday, August 31, 2020

Lucky #7

Side note to start: As I write my annual Anniversary post, I realized two things: 1. I missed Year 6, sorry Gags and 2. I should do more food blogs to help me remember recipes/technique.

Here we are, Lucky #7. Sure, it hasn't been a great year in general, but I've been lucky.

Lucky to have gotten all this extra time to spend with our amazing family (between maternity leave and Covid-19, I've gotten to spend almost all of Bean's first year at home). Lucky to have the help of my mom (aka Zee Zee) with the kids so we could continue to work. Lucky that Joe tolerates listening to me tell the same joke 10x a day on the phone for work. Lucky that both I and our family have continued to stay in good health. Lucky we not only have food, but still have tasty food on the menu frequently. Lucky we can still do things like take socially distant "vacations". 

Lucky, that today marks 7 years of being married to a guy who pushes me to be the best version of myself, while being my biggest cheerleader. Lucky that he still makes me belly laugh all the time. Lucky, he's always planning adventures for our family. Most importantly though, lucky he changes most of Charlotte's poop diapers, which smell like a small rodent died.

You know I couldn't just be sweet and end it on a sappy note. Happy Lucky #7 Joe.

"Vacation" is strong for outings with the two girls, but I love it anyways.

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